Client was looking to develop a single-sourced multi-channel database.
To cost effectively develop a unified database platform for postal and email marketing efforts.
Analyze each data source
Create database design through
Improve creative to be concise and
response driven
Normalize and process data hygiene
Develop database categories,
masterfiles and enhancement files
Combine multi-source data such as
magazine subscriptions, email
newsletters, event attendees, and
product purchasers
Revenue increased, complaints were virtually eliminated, deliverability increased significantly, and tracking and profiling of respondents was implemented.
Client was looking to develop a single-sourced multi-channel database.
To cost effectively develop a unified database platform for postal and email marketing efforts.
Analyze each data source
Create database design through
Improve creative to be concise and
response driven
Normalize and process data hygiene
Develop database categories,
masterfiles and enhancement files
Combine multi-source data such as
magazine subscriptions, email
newsletters, event attendees, and
product purchasers
Revenue increased, complaints were virtually eliminated, deliverability increased significantly, and tracking and profiling of respondents was implemented.

We believe that the database is your most valuable marketing asset and our mission is to maximize the value of it. Our database software system, WebOTIS™, is so flexible and sophisticated that we can accept and store any database without additional programming. We analyze the data and organize it into your own custom relational database quickly and efficiently. There is no need to conform to a new system, so you won't have to learn a new set of difficult codes or terminology.
We share the same goals: to utilize your data resources to better market and sell to your customers. To that end, we merge data from every "touch point" including email, direct mail, web, and retail. With Applied Info Group, your database can literally incorporate an infinite amount of information. We specialize in designing, building, and maintaining databases. We understand, analyze, enhance, and data. Our sole focus is on an extremely important aspect of your business: Putting your data to work for you acquires more customers as well as increases activity from existing customers.
Each database build is a discovery process to determine marketing objectives, campaign processes, and strategic goals. Therefore, we will develop the database to address these customer goals with the objective to significantly improve and streamline the process. Our typical approach is to design the database in an application-centric architecture which provides a standard approach for information access. Data from required sources is prepared for consolidation using intermediate data sources. Data driven data marts are created for enabling access to information.
Customized software applications consolidate the information required for addressing specific business requirements. The benefits of this application specific distributed approach are straightforward processing and storage of information, highly flexible presentation of dissimilar information, supports information sharing and collaboration requirements, simple introduction of new data sources, limited impact from small changes in business requirements, reduced overhead of data storage support.
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